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Bornite Peacock Ore from Cornish Crystals & Minerals

Bornite Peacock Ore

This lovely Cornish piece displays all the characteristics that gave Bornite the name 'Peacock Ore'.

Bornite is also known as 'Peacock Ore' because of its irridescent coating that shimmers in vivid colours of blue, yellow, pink, purple, etc.  It is known as a stone of happiness, facilitating balance and well-being in order to enjoy in life.

Healing Properties

Find out more:

Dimensions: 100x94x60mm
Weight: 600g (to the nearest gram)
Origin: Carn Brea Mine, Camborne, Cornwall

Price: £30.00 $40.50

Quantity: One of a kind


Rainbow Spirit Crystal Shop is open the shop six days a week, so are online to answer any queries you have by email, or telephone 01208 816554 for friendly advice.